Weighted Average of Outstanding Shares Calculation, Example

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shares outstanding formula

Alternatively, email editorial-team (at) simplywallst.com.This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary based on historical data and analyst forecasts only using an unbiased methodology and our articles are not intended to be financial advice. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. We use what is known as a 2-stage model, which simply means we have two different periods of growth rates for the company’s cash flows.

shares outstanding formula

Outstanding options are not counted because they only represent a right to purchase shares in the future when they are “exercised.”  Until that happens, they are not “issued” shares. The following results from the calculator https://goodmenproject.com/business-ethics-2/navigating-law-firm-bookkeeping-exploring-industry-specific-insights/ on this page show how the weighted average calculation more accurately reflects the day-to-day average of outstanding shares. Book value per share relates to shareholders’ equity divided by the number of common shares.


Generally the first stage is higher growth, and the second stage is a lower growth phase. Where possible we use analyst estimates, but when these aren’t available we extrapolate the previous free cash flow (FCF) from the last estimate or reported value. We assume companies with shrinking free cash flow will slow their rate of shrinkage, and that companies with growing free cash flow will see their growth rate slow, over this period. We do this to reflect that growth tends to slow more in the early years than it does in later years. We generally believe that a company’s value is the present value of all of the cash it will generate in the future.

shares outstanding formula

Restricted stock are shares that are owned by company insiders, employees and key shareholders that are under temporary restriction, and therefore cannot be traded. Companies typically issue shares when they raise capital through equity financing or when they exercise employee stock options (ESOs) or other financial instruments. Outstanding shares decrease if the company buys back its shares under a share repurchase program. If there is a difference between the number of shares issued and outstanding, the difference is treasury stock.

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The weighted average common shares outstanding amount will take the total amount of shares outstanding and multiply it by the portion of the period in which it is outstanding. The weighted average of outstanding shares is a calculation that will incorporate any changes in the amount of outstanding shares over a reporting period. This section provides the sum of the total authorized shares, the total number of shares outstanding, and the total floating shares. From the point of view of an investor, it is essential to understand the concept of shares outstanding as it is primarily used in the calculation of market capitalization, earnings per share (EPS), cash flow per share, etc. The weighted average shares outstanding, or the weighted average of outstanding shares, is a calculation that takes into consideration any changes in the number of outstanding shares over a specific reporting period.

Dividends are an excellent way to earn additional income through stock holdings. Dividends paid, the dividend yield, and the dividend payout ratio provide insight into how a company measures against its competitors. Thus, if the company pays $2.45 in dividends per share and the current price per share is $35, the dividend yield is 7%. If the shares were not weighted, the calculation law firm bookkeeping would not consider the time period during which the shares were outstanding. As companies increasingly rely on non-traditional revenue streams, such as subscriptions, analysts may need to develop new methods of calculating EPS to accurately reflect a company’s financial health. Additionally, advancements in technology may enable more sophisticated analysis of EPS data.

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