C.A.R.E. + Clean Air Project

This project aims to supply air purifiers and air quality monitoring to San Francisco’s Potrero Hill and Sunnyvale public housing developments. Contributions from socially-conscious businesses, individuals, and local government organizations are the driving force behind this effort.

Households that are home to individuals with higher respiratory risks, such as seniors, newborns, and those with pre-existing conditions will receive equipment first.

C.A.R.E. is a non-profit based in Potrero Hill that focuses on improving quality of life for local residents. This includes feeding those in need, extending educational resources to youth, and mitigating police-community relations. 

All funds raised here go directly to C.A.R.E. and will be applied to the C.A.R.E. + Clean Air Project.

Primary Objective:

Provide 600 at need households across Potrero Hill and Sunnyvale with air purifiers and educational resources about air quality, to be managed by the non-profit C.A.R.E..

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